Saturday, January 9, 2016

Introduction to Computer with VDO

The word computer is derived from the Latin word‘Computare’which means to calculate. i.e. the main purpose of the invention of the computer was to have mathematical and logical manipulations. A computer is an electronic device that takes raw data as input from the users, processes it, stores in different storage media if necessary and gives a meaningful output. It performs any task with very high speed and a great accuracy.

The main principle of the working of a computer is Input, Processing and Output which can be studied through the IPO cycle.

Characteristics of Computer
Nowadays Computers are increasingly being popular day by day, due to the added capabilities in the computer to perform any task easily and efficiently with high speed and accuracy. The following are some of the main characteristics of a Computer:

Computers can perform any task in very high speed unlike any other computing devices or a human. It performs any task in fractions of a second. The desktop computer so far can execute millions of instruction per second.
Fractions of second
            1 second                      =>        1000 millisecond
            1 millisecond               =>        1000 microsecond
            1 microsecond             =>        1000 nanosecond
            1 nanosecond              =>        1000 picosecond
Accuracy and Reliability
The result produced by a digital computer is always 100% accurate i.e. there is no any mistake in the processing of any computer system. But there arises the chance of mistake in output if the input or the instructions supplied by the user goes wrong, as computer follows the principle of GIGO (Garbage in Garbage Out). Its accuracy is its reliability.
Mass storage
A computer can store a huge amount of data in different storage media such as Hard disk, Pen drives, CDs etc, for temporary or permanent use. The unit to measure the data in a computer is bit (Binary Digit).
1digit among 0 or 1     =>        1 bit
4 bits                           =>        1 nibble
2 nibble                       =>        1 byte (8 bits)
1024 byte                    =>        1 KB (Kilobyte)
1024 KB                     =>        1 MB (Megabyte)
1024 MB                     =>        1 GB (Gigabyte)
1024 GB                     =>        1 TB (Terabyte)

A computer is a versatile machine as it can be used in many different fields such as Schools, Hospitals, offices, Scientific Researches, Simple to Complex Accounting etc. In a sense nowadays computers are found to be used in almost all the fields that we see.

A computer can perform multiple tasks repeatedly without any exhaustion. It never feels tired like human beings to do the works given to it.

Major Advantages of Computer
The characteristics of a computer are its advantage. People are attracted to the computer due to the richness in the characteristics. However, some of the major advantages of a Computer are:
Ø  It is cent percent accurate and reliable than any other devices invented so far.
Ø  It is much more faster than man or any other services.
Ø  It helps to do the things that is impossible for man to do. For Example, The adventurous scientific researches, Study of Space, Working with different harmful Chemicals etc.
Ø  It has been developed as an important tool for entertainment as, a large number of people seem to have attracted on the computer games and other animations.
Ø  It has reduced a lot of impossibilities from our life.
Ø  It has the capability to show us the world from any place of the world with the help of Internet. The Internet too has introduced the cheaper and faster communication throughout the world

Some Disadvantages of Computer
Ø  It has made the human beings lazy by making many of their tasks easier and faster.
Ø  Piracy of Intellectual property.
Ø  It might not be affordable by people of all class.
Ø  There have been detected enough threats from the side of computer by the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the computers.
Application Areas of Computer

There might not be any fields which have been untouched by computer. However, the following are the major fields where computers are mostly used:
Ø  Banking
Ø  Commercial Enterprises
Ø  Industries
Ø  Schools and Colleges
Ø  Movie making and animation
Ø  Desktop publishing and Graphics Designing
Ø  Military Force
Ø  Communication etc.

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